[rs-commit] r97 - in /rs-manual/trunk/src/site: resources/images/mod_ca_crl-ca_getcertstatus.png resources/images/mod_ca_crl-ca_getcrl.png xhtml5/mod/mod_ca_crl.xhtml5

rs-commit at redwax.eu rs-commit at redwax.eu
Sun Oct 20 18:47:07 CEST 2019

Author: minfrin at redwax.eu
Date: Sun Oct 20 18:47:06 2019
New Revision: 97

Add hook implementation reference for mod_ca_crl.

    rs-manual/trunk/src/site/resources/images/mod_ca_crl-ca_getcertstatus.png   (with props)
    rs-manual/trunk/src/site/resources/images/mod_ca_crl-ca_getcrl.png   (with props)

Added: rs-manual/trunk/src/site/resources/images/mod_ca_crl-ca_getcertstatus.png
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: rs-manual/trunk/src/site/resources/images/mod_ca_crl-ca_getcertstatus.png
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: rs-manual/trunk/src/site/resources/images/mod_ca_crl-ca_getcrl.png
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: rs-manual/trunk/src/site/resources/images/mod_ca_crl-ca_getcrl.png
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Modified: rs-manual/trunk/src/site/xhtml5/mod/mod_ca_crl.xhtml5
--- rs-manual/trunk/src/site/xhtml5/mod/mod_ca_crl.xhtml5	(original)
+++ rs-manual/trunk/src/site/xhtml5/mod/mod_ca_crl.xhtml5	Sun Oct 20 18:47:06 2019
@@ -137,6 +137,60 @@
       <section class="wrapper style1 align-center"
+        id="hook-reference">
+        <div class="inner">
+          <h2>Hook Implementation Reference</h2>
+          <p>
+            The following hook implementations are provided by this module.
+          </p>
+          <div class="index align-left">
+            <section id="hook-ca_getcrl">
+              <header>
+                <h3>Get Certificate Revocation List From Disk</h3>
+              </header>
+              <div class="content">
+                <p>
+                  <img class="image right" src="../images/mod_ca_crl-ca_getcrl.png" />
+                  Returns the certificate revocation list from a file on disk.</p>
+                <p>Use the <a href="#directive-CACRLCertificateRevocationList">CACRL<wbr />Certificate<wbr />RevocationList Directive</a>
+                  to enable this hook implementation and specify the CRL file.</p>
+                <p>The certificate revocation list is cached in memory, and to be updated,
+                  httpd needs to be gracefully restarted.</p>
+              </div>
+            </section>
+            <section id="hook-ca_getcertstatus">
+              <header>
+                <h3>Get Certificate Status From Disk</h3>
+              </header>
+              <div class="content">
+                <p>
+                  <img class="image right" src="../images/mod_ca_crl-ca_getcertstatus.png" />
+                  Return the status of a specific certificate from
+                  the certificate revocation list from a file on disk.
+                </p>
+                <p>Use the <a href="#directive-CACRLCertificateRevocationList">CACRL<wbr />Certificate<wbr />RevocationList Directive</a>
+                  to enable this hook implementation and specify the CRL file.</p>
+                <p>The certificate revocation list is cached in memory, and to be updated,
+                  httpd needs to be gracefully restarted.</p>
+              </div>
+            </section>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+      </section>
+      <section class="wrapper style1 align-center"
         <div class="inner">
           <h2>Directive Reference</h2>

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