[rs-dev] Wildcards on SCEP

Graham Leggett minfrin at redwax.eu
Fri Sep 1 23:17:42 CEST 2023

On 23 Aug 2023, at 18:16, Dirk-Willem van Gulik via rs-dev <rs-dev at redwax.eu> wrote:

> Looking at Peter Gutman his test cases - I think that our configuration approach is a bit `hard' for the '*' sort of use cases.
> So I am thinking about a change along the lines below:
> -	If the config is a '*' and there is no limit/count specified - allow any number of them.
> 	We could make this still a 1 -- but then make the count by default per NID.
> -	Fix/change this to work the same for subjects and altsubjects
> Working draft below ( http://scep redwax.webweaving.org/scep) with a pass on anything. Not sure how useful this is in actual practice.

This makes sense.

Would there be changes to https://redwax.eu/rs/docs/latest/mod/mod_scep.html - I can make the maven changes to whatever is needed.


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