[rs-dev] MacOSX gone through -- mod_cert et.al.

Graham Leggett minfrin at sharp.fm
Thu Mar 26 12:23:14 CET 2020

On 26 Mar 2020, at 11:51, Dirk-Willem van Gulik via rs-dev <rs-dev at redwax.eu> wrote:

> So MacOSX (ports) has gone through.
> Am wondering if we should do a release of the new modules (mod_cert, _pkcs7) - so we can see if we can automate the process better for getting it into distributions.
> Mainly as the move of the various communities to git means a lot of private / non-public comms. So it is better to have this early & code in scripts to capture knowledge.

Jira supports a “release” button that integrates with Bamboo, my plan is to automate the “release prepare” part (cut release, make dist, upload to dev directory ready for approval and signing), and then “release perform” part (kick COPR, kick NixOS, automate everything).

If we can create some discrete scripts to do discrete things like “given dist/release URL, update NixOS” I can bake them into Bamboo when the time comes.

> Also wondering if we should temporarily add the _bearer modules to redwax -- so we can have these in NixOS earlier/too. 

I need to finish the docs for the bearer modules, which should be quick to do because the modules are simple, then they go into trunk.

mod_auth_bearer can be released anytime, but mod_autht_jwt depends on the as-yet-unreleased apr-util v1.7, which in turn has been blocked behind a half finished implementation of apr_crypto_prng that one of the Redhat people created, and only works with openssl and doesn’t work on a Mac out the box because openssl is deprecated (and was veto’d by me over a year ago after it utterly broke apr-util modules support, which was ignored, so I tried to fix all of it, which I mostly did, sigh).


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